The other day, my son asked me if we could grow kale now because he liked it so much last spring and summer. I told him we couldn't because the ground is too frozen but that we would plant some more as soon as the ground thawed.
Then I read an article in Urban Farm magazine about container gardening and I started thinking maybe we can start growing kale now. Our front windows get great southern sun exposure and my thought is that I can mount a couple window boxes in front of the windows inside the house and have a little green vegetable garden to break up the winter blues. The consensus seems to be that things like leafy greens (like kale and leaf lettuce) and most herbs can produce with only about 6-7 hours of sunlight a day. At this time of the year here in New England, we are up to almost 10 hours a day so that part is at least feasible. Now all I need is some dirt, seeds, and water and hopefully we'll be eating fresh greens sometime in the next few weeks.
I'll keep you all updated on the progress, but in the meantime if you have tried this or something similar, let me know how it worked for you and any tricks and tips you can share. If you have never tried it, maybe you want to see if you can do it too (and keep us all updated)!
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